
Manisha Panchakam (Five verses of considered opinion) - Translation, commentary and word meaning

Praudha Anubhuti (The Profound Experience) - Translation, Commentary and word meanings

Dasha Shloki (A Hymn of Ten Verses) - Translation, Commentary and word meanings

Jivanmukta Ananda Lahari (The bliss-waves of the living-liberated) - Sanskrit Text, Translation, Brief Commentary, Word-for-word meaning, and Chanting

About Adi Shankara's Philosophical Hymns

Upadesha Panchakam (Counsel in five verses ) or Sadhana Panchakam (Five verses on the means) - Sanskrit Text, Translation, Brief Commentary, Word-for-word meaning, and Chanting

Anatma Shri Vigarhanam (The condemnation of false glory) - Sanskrit Text, Translation, Brief Commentary, Word-for-word meaning, and Chanting

Advaita Anubhuti (Experience of Non-Duality) - Sanskrit Text, Translation, Brief Commentary, Word-for-word meaning, and Chanting

Advaita Pancharatnam (Five gems of Non-duality) - Sanskrit Text, Translation, Brief Commentary, Word-for-word meaning, and Chanting

Laghu Vakya Vritti (A Brief Exposition of the Great Statement)